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Perry Rhodan Blues Ship from Revell
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Revell's Perry Rhodan Blues Ship was first released in 2000. A standard is not known. The kit is rarely available for around 50 €.

The content consists only of 40 parts, decals and the instructions. The model offers enough space for lighting and is ideal for beginners.

Erste Löcher für die LEDs wurden gebohrt. Der Kunststoff ist sehr durchsichtig und sollte gut grundiert und innen matt schwarz lackiert werden.

Three of the drives should be illuminated. These shafts had to be carefully milled out.

The two halves were provided with holes for the LEDs and then primed. The first layer of white paint has been applied and now it is masked for further colors.

Since there are characters on the edge of the model, these areas have been masked. Everything that was supposed to remain white was also masked off.

The work turned out to be quite easy. The effect afterwards should be very good.

The Blues Ship will be placed on a diorama next to the Marco Polo. Slightly sloping and floating so that it can be viewed from above and below.

The second coat of paint was a slightly different brick red. It was masked and painted in layers. (white, masking - brick red, continuing masking - next color, etc.) This saved a lot of time.

Careful masking makes it much easier to continue working. Rework is very time consuming. When masking, it is important to ensure that everything is tight and that the sprayed paint does not get into the gaps.

The last color was steel and only a few places were painted with it. The result can only be seen after the masking has been removed.

The ocher drives stand out very well from the rest. It was taped off perfectly and there was very little rework on the underside.

Auch die Oberseite ist sehr gut gelungen. Hier war keine Nacharbeit notwendig.

The middle ball was painted in silver on the underside. The curves on the models are always very difficult to mask.

It continued with the lighting. Since there are no templates as with other film or TV models, it was only the imagination to liven up the model. The lower section with all-round light in red on the inside and orange flicker LEDs as thrust nozzles on the outside.

Then the three drives were aligned with blue SMDs and fixed with hot glue (not too hot!).

The top also got a red running light, which should rotate in the opposite direction to the lower running light.

The green circuit board on the left simulates the running light. Another circuit board is responsible for the pulsing of the upper green LEDs. The tube for the bracket was also fitted. This draws plus and minus with 9 volts to supply the model with power.

So that the SMDs are not visible from the outside, small sanded windows were inserted in between.

The sanded plexiglass windows break the light and shine over the entire surface.

The SMDs were separated from the strips, but must be fitted with a resistor in order not to be damaged.

Im Nachhinein wurden die Fahrwerkshalterungen in Grau nachlackiert. Auch das Silber wurde zum Schluss nochmal aufgefrischt.

The model could be glued together without any problems. Then it went to the decals.

The model was now finished on the underside as well, except for the landing gear. As with the Marco Polo, weathering was not planned.

As a highlight, I tried to use a special plastic to represent the thrusters as a flame. Because of the Falcker effect, that's something new.
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