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Klingon Battle Cruiser from AMT
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Star Treck Klingonen Battle Cruiser von AMT im Maßstab 1:537 wurde 2012 veröffentlicht.

In der unteren Kugel war es sehr eng, dennoch wurden die Lichtleiter, die LED für den Phaser und die LED zur Beleuchtung untergebracht.
Die Elektronik zur Steuerung des Phasers wurde im Rumpf verbaut, deshalb musste das Kabel dafür bis nach hinten verlegt werden.
Die Elektronik zur Steuerung des Phasers wurde im Rumpf verbaut, deshalb musste das Kabel dafür bis nach hinten verlegt werden.

The cockpit is divided into two parts, so a red LED could easily be installed in the dome. It just had to be closed tightly, otherwise the red would affect the light guides in the lower area.

To be on the safe side, the light guides were painted again with black paint. There is just enough space for the LED.

The top wasn't very detailed. After applying the small parts, it looked more like Klingons.

The light guides were bent with a hair dryer and the LEDs were fixed with glue. At the same time, the cables were brought into the "neck" of the model.

Gluing the pulpit together went without any problems.

The circuit board for the phasers, sound and loudspeakers was housed in the fuselage. The module was imported from the USA. The LEDs for the drives and the rear phaser were put into a sleeve so that the light cone lies optimally at the exit.

The light guides in the fuselage were easy to assemble. The red front drive was a challenge, as the SMD serifs were not allowed to shimmer through the clear plastic and the red should be distributed over the entire surface. There was hardly any space for the LEDs on the side either and had to be bent sharply.

The space inside seemed to me to be more than sufficient for the project at the beginning. As you can see, the model barely closed in the end.

Die Lackierung des originalen Ständers sollte eine besondere Lackierung erhalten. Mit Airbrush wurden streifen in einem Muster aufgetragen. Das Ergebnis sieht man auf den nächsten Fotos.

Das Modell des Klingonenschiffs D7 ist fertig und wurde so gut wie möglich dem original nachempfunden. Die Lackierung ist teilweise mit der Hand aufgetragen worden.

The lighting and the effect of the cannons make the model unique.

Kein Durchseinen der roten SMD-Streifen dank einer farblos matten Lackierung.

The construction time was approx. 7 weeks. Light guides with a diameter of 0.5 mm were installed. The torpedo phasers can be activated with the push of a button. This can be seen well in the video.

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