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Sand crawlers
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The sand crawler is from the Star Wars universe and was published by Randy Cooper in 2010. The resin model has a scale of 1: 72 and was found by chance on the Internet and purchased together with 5 other kits for 290 €. At Randy Cooper, the model is $ 550 + shipping + customs. However, construction had already started and it wasn't really professional.

Bei Shapeways gab es die passenden Jawas. Sogar R2D2 war dabei.

Noch viel besser gefielen mir C3PO und R2D2. Wie sich allerdings bei der Lieferung herausgestellt hat, war der Maßstab leider nicht der richtige.

The scale error was also clearly visible in the Landspeeder. However, it will be built into the diorama.

R2 Mit seinem Verkäufer....

Once again my colleague Marco Grimm had to serve with his 3D printer. As many Jawas as needed could be printed here. The first attempt failed, however, because they were much too small at 1 cm.

Since the jaws should also be illuminated and one or the other will certainly break while drilling, several were printed in different positions.

Big compliments to Marco! The figures were printed hollow, so the light guides could be pulled through inside.

Jawa family .... Utiiinniiii

Bei den Ketten war viel Arbeit angesagt. Überschüssige Gussteile mussten entfernt werden….

... .. two of the chains broke. Almost all of them also had to align the shape with a hairdryer.

The gaps had to be milled out and freed from excess resin. This work is not without risk, as resin is very toxic and carcinogenic. Working with a face mask and suction system is strongly recommended.

The window grilles also had to be freed from excess casting. I carefully removed this on the sanding belt. There were always hot fingers here.

Das Ergebnis kann sich aber sehen lassen. Alle Seiten sind schön glatt und die Fenster gut sichtbar.

The same principle was applied to the ladder. Since the part is so small and thin ...

.... the fingers got very hot again and the fingernails short.

Here you can clearly see how finely and carefully one has to work even with a large model.

All finished parts were first primed in order to repair the preparatory work of the first owner.

Of course, the cockpit should also get some lighting. For this, some resin had to be carefully removed in order to be able to drill the holes for the light guides and the SMDs.

Ready to prime and then paint.

The almost finished lower part of the cockpit. The Wheaterig turned out well, now it's time to turn to the lighting.

The top is designed in the same style as the bottom.

Bei den Seitenteilen hatte ich große Bedenken, da eines der Teile 1cm überstand.
Mit viel Geduld und einer guten Heißluftpistole wurde es ausgerichtet.
Mit viel Geduld und einer guten Heißluftpistole wurde es ausgerichtet.
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